In Ephesians 4 Paul says it is the members of a church that build the church, not the pastor.  The pastor, he says, helps equip the members to do the building.

Want to build something exciting and important with me?  Want to build the kind of community you've always wanted to be part of, with the support you need to live the life you've been handed?  Want help walking in faith and growing in your trust of and devotion to Christ? Just curious if there's something more?

Our Approach

1. The mission of the church is making and growing disciples of Jesus Christ, integrating fractured lives under His headship.

2. Discipleship works best in small grace-filled communities of Spirit-filled people serving one another in love.

3. As the core of our church these small Communities (Focus Groups) will be the place where accountability, training, resources and assessment are centered as opposed to these things be centered around the weekly large gathering.

4. A weekly large gathering has an important place, always in support of these smaller communities and never at the expense of them.  With this in mind we will meet weekly for a celebration and vision service Sunday Nights at 6:30. It will be extremely simple and will last about an hour with worship, teaching and celebration of the small groups.

5. The pastors primary role will be supporting the focus groups by equipping and training the leaders to facilitate discipleship in their groups.

Our Story

Meet the Team

Our board is comprised of our pastor and small group leaders who are committed to each other and to help each other maintain a sharp and clear Focus on our mission and vision. We commit to you and to each other to strive to adhere to principles of simplicity, transparency and humility.


Dave Megill

David Megill is a pastor and church planter of 25 years. After spending the last four years coaching pastors and training leaders, he felt God calling him back to plant a church.  He is excited and nervous about the new and bold version God seems to be calling him towards.